So my parents are awesome. Why’s that? It’s because they drive around down these small country roads to find places for me to photograph. This is one of those places.

I’m not sure of the history on this, such as when it was used or left to rot.

There were lots of great textures and interesting thing to snap photos of. It’s a shame there are actually idiots that would go and deface these old buildings.

There were also a few insects around waiting to have their photo taken.

We did use a gate that was wide open to get out here. On the way back we talked with the owner of the property (who was driving in on his tractor). He was glad we didn’t jump the fence like most people do, and was very nice and understanding.

You can see the entire Flickr set here.

2 thoughts on “Huff School House (Wichita Falls, TX)

  1. Huff, also known as Hufftown, is on Lake Creek on a spur off State Highway 79 eight miles south of Lakeside City in northeastern Archer County. The community was one of several switches established by the Wichita Falls and Southern Railway in 1908. It was named for a railway attorney, Charles C. Huff. The railroad built alongside the tracks a giant concrete cistern that held a carful of water; this was reportedly the community’s only source of fresh water. From 1909 to 1913 a post office operated at Huff. The 1936 county highway map showed a school and scattered dwellings at the townsite. Throughout its history Huff served as a community center for area ranchers, at one time providing them with a general store, blacksmith shop, and school. The 1984 county highway map showed a community center at the site. By 2000 Huff was no longer shown on county highway maps. ~ Mom (love the photos!)

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