I revisited the Hall-Bennett Hospital because someone told me there was a way inside. Previously, I had tried all the doors and had come up empty handed. This time, I was able to get inside and photograph this creepy hospital.

Parts of the hospital were well lit, mainly where the boards were not covering the windows. Other areas made me glad I decided to pack a flash.

Once again with an abandoned building, it seems the “taggers” had a field day in here. Writing stupid things on the wall and drawing obscene images. Do they really think that’s funny and cool? I find it extremely frustrating and annoying as a photographer. The majority of photos I upload don’t have their “artwork” because I don’t think it should be recognized. *end rant*

What shocked me most about this hospital was the amount of patient records and resumés that were laying on the floor all over the building. I’m not sure why these weren’t packed up when this hospital closed.

My wife and I have been passing by this old hospital pretty much every day trying to decide when to go in. We want to take some photos and do a shoot inside. My question for you is how were you able to get inside?
I’m not sure I would recommend going inside now. A few days after I went in, the place caught on fire and a lot of it burned. The flooring in the upstairs section didn’t seem very stable at the time, so I’m sure it’s a deathtrap now! There was a window on the east side that was open when I went in. It’s been boarded up since the fire. I’m sure any other openings to the inside were closed up after the fire as well.
do you have a address for the hospital?
It’s near 9th and Goliad. However, it’s boarded up tight now.
We went by today. It’s fenced. Unless you willing to trespass there’s not a legal way in. Bummer.
I guess they had people trying to live in there.
hi im adrien i’ve been trying to do reseach on this hosital and i’ve always wanted to be inside.but i never could but at night time it’s always scary there is something there that is bad i’ve had nightmares of this hospital and the pations that where in there.i had gone last night 6/9/18 there is something bad there there is a little girl that you should not trust i wouldnt trust anything in that hospital but i would have loved to see the hospital more. thank you for reading
Lol I was born there in 1966 no wonder my nickname is Lisapher!
Grew up in Big Spring. Love any historical photo’s in and around the city. Thank you for the Hospital photo’s, Even run down as it is your eye for these type photo’s is appreciated. Thanks.
What town is this in
Big Spring, TX
I have purchased this building and I would appreciate it if people would stop trespassing. It is now alarmed and I don’t want anyone to get in trouble. After we have stabilized it, we will accept photography requests.
My step father Dr. Sherman Merritt used to read X Rays there my mother was an X-ray tech and my aunt Lydia Molina worked for Dr. Thomas for YEARS! My sisters and I were born there in 61,63,66. Dr. Worthy was our pediatrician. I was Blessed with the privilege of having her care for one of my 4 children as well. I drive by there sometimes when I’m in town! God Bless you
Lydia Molina was my Batismal Godmother. I was born at that hospital back in theday.
Lydia Molina was my Batismal Godmother. I was born at that hospital back in the day.
i was born in this hospital in 1957. i hope you will preserve it
I grew up going to see Dr. Worthey at this hospital. She was the daughter of one of the founding doctors’, Dr. Bennett. We lived in one of the first concrete foundation homes built by Dr. Bennett on 1610 S. Main St.
I was unfortunately hospitalized there when I was 8 or 9 years old in the early 60s. It was creepy then. I am curious what the plans are for it’s future.
I was hospitalized there when I was a child in the early 1960s. It had an “old” part and a “new” part even back then. I was in the old part and it was very creepy. I am curious to know the plans for it’s future.