I started the day off at the Coeur d’Alene Parkway State Park. It was a less-than-a-mile walk to the end of the trail from the parking lot.

I wasn’t sure who this guy is (there’s no plaque or anything), but after looking around on the internet I found this:
It’s an old time photographer nicknamed ‘Leopold’, his camera poised to capture the beauty of the lake all year round.

Next I went to the Blue Creek Bay Recreation Site and Trail. It almost looks abandoned as there’s no map of the trails up, and the trail markers are on the ground. I was the only one in the parking lot, but I decided to go for it anyway.

The trail isn’t well traveled, so it’s getting overgrown. (The trail is in the middle of the picture.)

Finally it opened up into a meadow area. The trail signs here, I was following the Blue Diamond, were well marked.

Then suddenly in the ditch off to the right, there was a large rustling noise that gave me a mild heart attack. It was another dang moose. Thankfully it ran the other way behind some trees and just looked at me. This one was about the size of an average horse.

Since I didn’t know where the trail went (or for how long), and it was starting to get way overgrown again, I decided to turn around and head back after 1.25 miles in.

Next I went to Tubbs Hill. Apparently it’s a popular spot to hike. Thankfully I found a spot before it filled up.

There was a main loop that went all the way around the bottom of the hill, but I had to get to the top. I took a really steep summit trail (my heart rate was up to 160bpm at one point) and finally made it. Sadly the view is obstructed in all 360 degrees by trees.

There were spots on the way down that provided good views.

My last stop was the John C Pointner Memorial Wildlife Sanctuary. Walking in, I guess there was a tree or plant pollinating and it looked like it was snowing. This should be great for my allergies.

This trail is really overgrown as well, but this one has lots more people on it as it’s right off the highway.

I’m not sure what this really old bulldozer was doing in the middle of the forest. Maybe it helped clear this section out.

There was a trail that cut off from the loop and went up the mountain. It was a really nice lookout point that had a super long bench and nice views of the lake and surrounding mountains.

Look at me all sweaty. The past few days have been really nice, in the mid-70s for a high, but when you’re hiking up a mountain, it can really bring out the sweat!

And that will do it for my 2024 vacation! I’ll probably have one more short post tomorrow from the airport. I’m really interested to see how many miles I put on the rental car (truck). I did get a warning today to “Change oil soon.” Perfect timing!