This will be a very short post compared to yesterday as I had to drive 7h 15m to my next location, Coeur d’Alene, from Stanley.
I checked out of the hotel and got one last look at the scenery.

I said bye to this good dog who was very friendly.

The drive didn’t seem as long as 7 hours because the scenery was such a good distraction. It was really weird traveling this way as I’d been used to turnouts every few miles, but going through here, there were hardly any. As I got into Idaho, there were none at all, except for runaway truck ramps.

This route took me up to Missoula, then northwest. It was lots of winding roads, driving through the canyon of the mountains always with a large creek beside the road. It was fun except when you’d get stuck behind someone pulling a camper going 15mph under the speed limit. There are rarely any passing sections because of all the turns.
There are lots of small towns through here too. Some you don’t even have to slow down for. You just fly past at 65mph.

When I was north of Missoula, I actually got to take the road I drove when I first arrived and it was pitch black (I’m still holding a grudge for that, American Airlines). It was really nice to be able to see what I missed coming in. I wish I could’ve taken pictures of it, but there’s no where to pull over and my windshield was covered in the blood of dead bugs.
I’ve got 2 days here in Coeur d’Alene and there’s quite a few things to do. I should be well rested for tomorrow!