My 2016 vacation was to visit internet friends that I’ve known for 5+ years. It’s crazy how you talk every day and get to know people, and one day you think, “Hey, let’s go visit these people I’ve never met.” It turned out to be a great trip, and I captured some really good photos.
One of my favorite landmarks of Charleston would be Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge. We stayed at a place that overlooked the bay and bridge. It was especially nice that one of the balconies overlooked the bridge, so it made for some good night time photos.

We even took a sunset cruise that took us right under the bridge.

We even hit up famous areas such as the Pineapple Fountain.

Lastly, we ended up at the Magnolia Plantation, which was much larger than I was expecting. There were so many trails to walk down and things to explore. One could easily stay out there all day long. Our visit was cut short due to the massive swarm of mosquitos around the water.

The rest of the pictures can be seen here.